Jeff and Carrie Johnson are the passionate co-founders behind GROW Property Group. When they were first dating, they would often find themselves driving through beautiful neighborhoods just to gaze at the homes. One could say their intrigue with real estate began early into their relationship.
In 2007, Jeff and Carrie purchased their first single family home investment property back in their home state of Ohio. A couple of purchases later they were investing in Texas real estate. They found their investment portfolio growing along with their vibrant young family. The Johnson kiddos have grown up visiting rental homes, painting, planting, pruning and racing up and down empty hallways just killing time while waiting for Mom and Dad to finish their business at hand.
Jeff and Carrie have strategically pivoted their investment portfolio expansion into multifamily syndication. They are both active and passive investors in over 300 units. They are thrilled to continue to GROW and are eager to put their investors on the path to financial success, too.
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Jeff Johnson
Jeff has always been a self starter with big dreams and a strong work ethic. His leadership began in high school and college when he was elected to captain and earned the title, most dedicated senior athlete. And that dedication continues to pour into all of Jeff’s commitments, today. Jeff is a family man, a banker and an investor.
Jeff has over twenty years of financial experience. He has been directly involved with and overseen all aspects of underwriting, P/L management, collections, staff management and corporate goal strategies. He has earned his way up to managing over a $5 Billion business in DFW.
Jeff has been involved with single family investments since 2007. He has integrated himself in every aspect. Jeff takes pride of ownership seriously. He wants all of his properties to be a place where he would be happy to live. He cares for his properties and he cares for his tenants. He prides himself with his long list of long-time tenants.
Jeff’s hobbies are heavily weighted around his family. When you aren’t finding him on the soccer field sidelines, he might be camping with his kiddos or biking around town with his family. Jeff is an avid reader and likes to begin his days with a workout.
Wells Fargo Financial Branch Manager- 7 years
Bank One Branch Manager- 2 years
Bank One District Manager- 4 years
Chase Bank District Manager- 6 years
Chase Bank Executive Director- 5 years til present
Single Family Investor since 2007
Brad Sumrok Mentoring Student- present
General and Limited Partner in multifamily syndications- present
Carrie Johnson
Carrie’s greatest challenge has always been turning off her work mode. When she has a goal or project she is working, her drive to complete it and excel in results is adamant. While working in finance, Carrie ranked highest in sales in her district in her first year and never looked back. She gained underwriting, P/L management and employee managements skills when she was promoted to branch manager. But her entrepreneurial drive led her to leave the corporate world and begin her own business. Carrie cold called on vendors, partners and clients, put operations in place, continually grew her sales year over year, managed her own employees and delivered a product that was a niche’ in her market. Before moving to Texas, she successfully sold her business.
Carrie has been involved with single family home investments since 2007. While Jeff may be the initial underwriter “numbers person”, Carrie sees the potential and works within the budget to create profitable rental homes their tenants enjoy living in. Once Jeff approves of the numbers, Carrie approves of the properties. After a purchase, it’s Carrie’s responsibility to negotiate and work with contractors to finish up to par and in a timely fashion.
Carrie is passionate about her family of three fantastic kiddos and loving husband. She’s often busy managing the schedules. Much enjoyment comes from watching her kiddos grow, play sports and find their talents. Carrie is also an avid dog lover. She has volunteered with numerous rescues over the past ten years. Together with her family, they have fostered over 20 rescue dogs. In fact, part of their investment business mission has been to “give back to charity”. And rescue organizations are high on that list.
Wells Fargo Financial Loan Officer and Branch Manager- 3 years
State Farm Underwriter- 2 years
Keepsake by Carrie- 7 years
Single family investor since 2007
Brad Sumrok Mentoring- present
General and Limited Partner in multifamily syndications- present

Brad Sumrok
Multifamily Investor known as the “Apartment King”. Brad has trained thousands of students over the past decade. Brad provides personalized coaching to his mentoring students, having his team of brokers and coaches with them every step of the way. Brad’s students have purchased billions of dollars of Real Estate. Brad is oftentimes seen with his team of professionals such as: Robert Kiyosaki, Grant Cardone, Garrett Sutton, Tom Wheelright and Robert Helms.
Brad has owned over 4,500 units in 8 different markets. Brad and his wife Jen, earn 7 figures consistently and pay zero in taxes.
Brad offers a final review on all deals written and fully worked by his students. If the deal meets his investment criteria, Brad personally endorses the deal.
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© GROW Property Group LLC, 2021